
The Institute of Unusual Studies (Dianne Bos and Sarah Fuller) had a terrific response to their workshop, Alternative Processes in Photography, Nætursól/Night Sun at Ströndin Studio in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland this past spring 2023.
We hope to offer our unique one-week analog photography course in France again in 2024.
Primarily a week-long photo-based workshop exploring low-tech photography techniques in traditional silver gelatin and historical processes such as anthotypes and cyanotypes, our workshops also allow participants the opportunity to explore this region’s rich cultural history and encourage using this as a launching point for their projects.
Contact us at: [email protected] to get on our mailing list.
One sun circling around circumpolar indices. An elongated image exposed at midnight. Wind and lava dust embedded in emulsion.
This photography workshop proposes that participants explore the notion of deep geologic time, celestial relationships and the physics of light in the sublime landscape of East Iceland.
During this workshop, participants will engage in the creation of handmade pinhole cameras, photo lumens, cyanotype and anthotype images, with added inspiration from nature walks and local field trips.
Nætursól/NightSun is hosted by Ströndin Studio, a former herring fish factory that has been converted into a photography studio. Photographer-participants will be provided with unique access to this stunning fjordside location, its charming studio space, and darkroom facility.
Collaborative teaching duo Dianne Bos & Sarah Fuller are the founders of The Institute of Unusual Studies. Both internationally recognized for their professional art practices, they bonded over their special interest in historical photography processes including pinhole photography, large format cameras, the camera obscura and in general, their interest in nature.
Ströndin Studio is an educational and experimental center for analogue photography. A joint project between artist Jessica Auer and historian Zuhaitz Akizu, Ströndin is a place where artists and visitors can become familiar with Icelandic culture and nature, and create photographic images in a personal and intimate way.