The alternative photography workshop Nætursól/NightSun at Ströndin Studio in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland from May 27- June 3, 2023 was amazing.
Category Workshop
UPCOMING WORKSHOP: Nætursól/Night Sun at Ströndin Studio in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland
- 18 October 2022
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NÆTURSÓL/NIGHT SUN Alternative Processes in Photography Workshop with Dianne Bos & Sarah Fuller Ströndin Studio, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland May 27th- June 3rd, 2023 One sun circling around circumpolar indices. An elongated image exposed at midnight. Wind and lava dust embedded in emulsion. This photography workshop proposes that participants explore the notion of deep geologic time, celestial […]
NEWS: Looking back on 2020
- 19 January 2021
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(IMAGE: New Venice Sparkles 1) IN EXHIBITION NEWS I don’t think I need to mention that 2020 was a challenging year on all fronts for everyone. That said I was I was very happy when I was invited to submit work for two unique exhibitions in Europe: 1. NICHT MUSEUM ZEITGEMÄßER KUNST (nonmuseum for contemporary art) […]